Lazy Sunday
by Mbaliyekhethelo AKA Chosen Sunflower
New Chapters means starting anew, hitting the refresh button and just take things as they come, day by day, moment by moment. I am elated to be closing off a past that is filled with trauma, lies and called-upon curses. It would be day’s like these that I would just kick back, roll my blunt and jam Danny K ft Terri Walker – This is my time because this is my time to rise above and make a stand because I feel I’m getting there as the road becomes clear.
They say that luck comes in rule of thirds. I live in dog years and so I am hoping that perhaps that turning 3 years old will show the world that I will not be tamed and I will not behave by all means necessary. Welcome to Mbaliyekhethelo’s Terrible Three’s.
I get to take on my new identity freely. I have no one telling me that I have to wear a skirt to family affairs or I have to be in the kitchen and clear up after umsebenzi – a traditional ceremony. I get to decide which parts of usiko – tradition – I get to follow. I don’t fight all the rules and regulations, I just don’t understand why I can’t wear pants to a traditional ceremony and help the uncles prepare the meat, upon many things too apart from that I ngisakhulisa izinxabu zami – growing my roots.
On the 7th of the 11th at 18h55pm, my mother gave birth to her Chosen Flower that was blessed with all the Luck and all the Knowledge, a human being that would serve their continent. On the 7th of 11th at 18h55pm, 2018 – we await the rebirth of your Chosen Flower, the flower of the nation – Mbaliyelizwe.
As we await their arrival, I hope you enjoy Lazy Sunday a poem written by your Chosen Flower, Mbaliyekhethelo.
Lazy Sunday: 08 |07|2018
On a day made for praise
A day where I should focus my daze
on future planning
for days that may seem like a load.
The Journey is long
with twinkling lights that fades
as I travel on a lonely road.
Where I hope to meet people
who seem to have gone astray
Searching for the ray of sunshine
when skies have gone black and gray,
searching for a silver lining
whilst trying to stay afloat
on whispers of clouds that
will drop you before you begin fly.
Because I am amongst
those who are lost
In their thoughts because
they have the words caught in their throat,
Where I will search for more anecdotes to
clear the elephant that is in the room.
I hope to soon have found the bright lights
on shinning in the direction
that will lead me close to home.
Messages sent to me by the Real Ones,
telling me not to condone
the lies that are fed to me.
They said:
“plant your seeds and grow a tree
that will not only feed you,
but heal two
and shelter three.
Remember to breathe,
inhale the good shit
and exhale the bullshit.
Focus on carrying on where you left,
moving in continuity meaning
detect the errors, fix them and do so
Do not live in thoughts
that others provoke.
Make sure to pass on this message
to anyone who may be suffering gravely
than you and I.”
Yes, misguided misfortune is earned
by your own cursed tongue.
Remind yourself that
that there is nothing stronger than
lelo ulimi ukhuluma ngaso.
Do not limit yourself, let your creativity
go as far as Burkina Faso.

No more compromising

Forced Abortions
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