• MOXIE Thoughts

    A rallying call

    We know all too well the toxicity that abounds party politics in our country and this ruling most certainly will add a new dimension to our electoral process. But more importantly, this ruling opens our political field and I think…

  • MOXIE Thoughts

    Life is Unpredictable

    So I’ve been contemplating writing about my experience for some time now. I didn’t want it to be misjudged as a cry for attention but nevertheless the awareness is greater than what people think these days. At first I was…

  • MOXIE Thoughts

    Forced Abortions

    by Tshego Senne   The conversation about abortion is in no way a new one. For decades, people have chosen one side of the pro-choice or ‘choose life’ coin even though it feels ludicrous to argue about any individual’s right…

  • MOXIE Thoughts

    Mama Winnie’s Death has Set the Stage

    By Michel’le Donnelly The national and international outcry since Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’s passing has brought about much vilification to the late freedom fighters life. As many people have come to acknowledge, far too late, is that Mama Winnie was the real…

  • Do You See Me? – Part 2
    MOXIE Thoughts

    Do You See Me? – Part 2

    By Makgosi Letimile By A few years ago, while I was still working in corporate, my employer threw a party for us. On the night of the party, we were all ready to have an incredible night. A workmate of…

  • Do You See Me? – Part 2
    MOXIE Thoughts

    Do You See Me

    Do you see me? By Makgosi Letimile As a recently disabled Black womxn I’ve been exposed to a new side of invisibility. In as much as it shocks me it very barely surprises me anymore. Black womxn go through life…

  • They Don’t Care About Us
    MOXIE Thoughts

    They Don’t Care About Us

    They Don’t Care About Us By Michel’le Donnelly All I want to say is that “They don’t really care about us”    These lyrics by Michael Jackson were the first I thought of when I saw the images of the two women…

  • MOXIE Thoughts

    National health insurance

    A closer look at National health insurance “National health insurance (NHI) is a health financing system that is designed to pool funds to provide universal access to quality, affordable personal health services for all South Africans based on their health…

  • MOXIE Thoughts

    2017 – The Story Thus Far

    Yaaas, good people of the world, rejoice! It’s August 2017 and we are all still in one piece. The world is still intact and the nuclear codes seem to be stashed as far away as possible from U.S. President Donald…