MOXIE Recommends
MOXIE Recommends
By Tshego Senne
Issme writing about things I like, as I do. I’m doing this slightly different than last month. Here’s a listicle on the things I recommend:
Not being wilfully ableist
I’ve always been very conscious of the power words we use to carry and have recently found myself struggling to get rid of the word ‘stupid’ from my vocab. There are plenty of words we should not be casually slinging around because of the weight and history they hold, so here’s a brilliantly compiled list.
I’ll most likely recommend this for as long as I live. Self-care is a necessary part of my life and though sometimes I can do it without thought, when things get tricky and difficult, it can take consciously making myself aware of the fact that I need to do it. FRIDA Fund, an organisation for young feminists is focusing on exactly that.
PodSexEd podcast
Black womxn talking critically about sexual and reproductive health and pleasure? Issa yes from me. I won’t say much other than the fact that Dr. Tlaleng and Nomtika, the rest they can tell you themselves.
Protecting your ideas:
Protect. Your. Intellectual. Property. I repeat: protect your intellectual property. Find out how it applies in the country you’re in but do it. This piece outlines some key details that you should start thinking of as an ideator, creator, any one person who has brilliant ideas.
Buhle Ngaba
I’ll always be a fierce advocate and support of that Black Girl Slay, Buhle Ngaba really never ever lets up. The creator or amazing book The Girl Without a Sound, Buhle stays dropping gems on being Black womxn creator, “I always tell people, it’s not that I’m special, I’m just very good at listening to the things that are for me and at following my own path. I feel like if your path is yours, at no point does it stop being yours.”

National health insurance
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